The 2021 monthly ‘PlatForum’ sessions at Dagun Station run from 3.30 to 5 pm  on the 3rd Saturday (different to 2020) afternoon of each month – open air on the platform of Dagun Railway Station.  This overlaps with the co-ops weekly fresh produce stall and the Dagun Community Group’s Saturday afternoon wine bar.

In June, we will be joined by Dave Von Pein “the Meter Man”,  who, among many other things, is an expert at using refractometers for looking at brix levels in plant sap and produce.  Brix measurements  relate to sugar and dissolved mineral levels in liquid, and can be a useful diagnostic tool in managing plant health and monitoring the quality of produce sent to market.  Dave is also the Australian distributor of the MicroBiometer kits for measuring soil microbial biomass carbon that we looked at last month.We will also be able to demonstrate and discuss the use of the Microbiometer kit for those who were unable to get to last month’s PlatForum.

Please print an A4 flier for our PlatForum and put it somewhere where you think it may be of interest to others :JunePlatForum

For more info contact Steve Burgess on 0428 843 749.