At the Summer School, we mentioned that we would follow up each month with a farm visit to discuss some of the issues raised in the workshops.  Our fourth visit is planned for Sunday 25th May.  Details are:

Sunday 25th May, starting at 2pm.
Meet at Dagun Railway Station, Dagun.
Natural areas are an important part of the farming landscape  -(pic- Dagun Gully)

Natural areas are an important part of the farming landscape -(pic- Dagun Gully)

We will be visiting three places close to Dagun where we can learn something about rehabilitating and stabilizing natural areas on farming properties.  The first was the site of a very large landslip stabilization project about 20 years ago, coupled with a good example of managing an important forest and stream remnant.  The second is a good example of what can be achieved by consistent long term effort in restoring a once weed-choked and degraded stream to good condition.  The third is an old,  unstable landslip site on which the owner is starting to plan some remediation action and is looking for ideas.

We will all meet at Dagun Station (where the Saturday markets are held) and hopefully arrange some car pooling to minimize the traffic and parking issues at the first two roadside stops.  The sites are all within a few kilometres of the station.  After the site visits will return to the station for food, drinks and a chat.

As usual, we invite you to bring a snack to share at the conclusion of the session.  Tea, coffee and cold water will be provided. We ask that each attendee puts a gold coin donation in the tin for the property owners.  These Sunday afternoon chats are proving to be a good way of people meeting each other and swapping ideas and information.

Photos from April farm walk.While we are waiting on a formal write-up of our recent April farm walk at Tamworth Flyers, you may like to look at this post on the Permaculture Research Institute forum which has a number of excellent photographs from the day.  Many thanks to the poster for attending and documenting the day.