Co-op hosts educational farm walk

By |2018-03-15T15:55:25+10:00March 15th, 2018|Categories: Courses & Training, Events, News|

Building on generations of family farming history in the Mary Valley, and the experience of new landholders who have embarked on land rehabilitation, join an informative farm walk on holistic grazing and stream bank management with Mary Valley Country Harvest Co-operative (MVCHC). Meeting Sunday March 25 from 9-11am at 1835 Mary Valley Road Kandanga, this is [...]

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What it means to be a member of the Co-op

By |2017-12-18T21:23:27+10:00December 18th, 2017|Categories: Mary Valley Country Harvest, News|

Two recent workshops focused on both values and strategies for members of the co-op to successfully work together and reach their goals. John Whiteoak introduced the group to strategic planning through establishing vision, mission and purpose. Members learnt what exactly values are and why they are important for members of the co-op. Identifying key issues is [...]

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EAT LOCAL – Here’s why

By |2017-12-02T14:27:26+10:00December 2nd, 2017|Categories: News|

 Be intentional about your food choices. It keeps us in touch with the seasons. Although supermarkets give us access to all food types all year around, all food has a season of production. Eating seasonally, we take in the greatest flavours. Seasonal food is also the most abundant and the least expensive. You will find new [...]

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New Horizons for our Co-op

By |2017-10-04T21:24:10+10:00October 4th, 2017|Categories: Mary Valley Country Harvest, News|

“So, when do we get started?” John, our passionate Avocado grower wants to know after attending our first Farming Together workshop last week at Kandanga Hall. The first workshop out of three introduced the new project team to the 25 attending farmers. A big thank you to everyone that provided us with all the wonderful produce [...]

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Local Co-operative receives $34,000 for Pilot Program

By |2017-10-04T21:08:57+10:00October 4th, 2017|Categories: Mary Valley Country Harvest, News|

The Mary Valley Country Harvest Co-operative (MVCHC) has received funding from the Farming Together Program - the Farm Co-operative and Collaboration Pilot Program of Southern Cross University, being delivered on behalf of the Australian Government. The $34,000 funding will allow the co-operative, which currently comprises 35 farms in the Mary Valley, to design and implement a [...]

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Farm walks begin!

By |2018-02-12T12:36:58+10:00July 6th, 2017|Categories: Events, News|

Farm walks begin this Saturday 8th July. Please come and share the morning with us this Saturday as we show customers around Trish & Bruno, Keiran and Courtney and John & Julia's Farms. It will be a great opportunity to share ideas and become familiar with each others farming practices. 9am - We will be meeting [...]

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2017 Summer School (yes, in May) – Bookings now open!

By |2017-05-16T22:55:18+10:00March 15th, 2017|Categories: Courses & Training, Events, GrowerSupport, News, Resources|

SUMMER SCHOOL - ready to roll! 29th - 30th May 2017 This fantastic annual event brings together growers, experienced and new, and presenters in a feast of discussions on current best practice in local small-scale agriculture! There's a huge wealth of practical information available from expert presenters and the year's best opportunity to meet and learn [...]

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Queensland’s Mary Valley calls out for more market farmers to help revive region

By |2016-10-20T13:34:46+10:00April 30th, 2016|Categories: GrowerSupport, Mary Valley Country Harvest, News|

Co-op stars Bruno and Trish Gabbana at Gympie town Markets The ABC recently interviewed co-op members Trish, Bruno and Lesa.  Here is the link to a really good news article, with sound, as ABC journalist Jennifer Nichols reports:  

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Sunshine Coast buyers group shuns supermarkets for fresh produce direct from the Mary Valley

By |2016-10-20T13:34:46+10:00November 7th, 2015|Categories: GrowerSupport, Mary Valley Country Harvest, News|

Caedman  delivering to the lively lot at Perigian on a Thursday night The ABC recently reported one of our family groups that we deliver to each week on the Sunshine Coast see their full article

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