Craig and Therese Madsen bought a 12 acre block bordering the Mary River in 2013 as part of the Traveston Dam buy back. The next 4 years saw them living and working in Brisbane, commuting up most weekends to clear the Chinese Elm, Cats Claw and other weeds. Partnering with MRCCC and Landcare they revegetated the riparian zone, ceasing the erosion and encouraging birdlife back into the wooded areas. Relocating onto the block in late 2017 and wanting to learn sustainable farming principles, they volunteered to pack orders and ultimately joined Mary Valley Country Harvest Cooperative as growers.
Craig and Therese have drawn inspiration and knowledge around sustainable food production, permaculture and organic principles from the members past and present. Craig and Therese have now put their learnings into action, growing their own pesticide free product utilising the principles learned. They are enjoying life as small scale farmers who offer surplus produce such as cucumbers, sweet potato, swedes and radish to co-op.