We’ve re-started the monthly ‘PlatForum’ discussion group at Dagun Station, following the break enforced by the Covid-19 restrictions on gatherings.  We hope to continue this series, 3.30 pm  on the 4th Saturday afternoon of each month – open air on the platform of Dagun Railway Station.  This coincides with the co-ops weekly fresh produce stall and the Dagun Community Group’s Saturday afternoon wine bar (the ChooChoo Bar).

This month’s topic comes with some really valuable support materials, that would be a great bit of ‘homework’ for people to indulge themselves in before the discussion.  There is a video recording of an excellent  recent webinar on applying 5 principles of soil health courtesy of NCAT (National Centre for Appropriate Technology) in the US.  Although we always prioritise  local Queensland and Australian based science and technical information, these  Californian case studies will give us a lot to discuss  regarding soil care principles that we could adapt for use here in the Mary Valley.

Here’s a link to the NCAT webinar: https://attra.ncat.org/soil-health-principles-webinar/

Please print an A4 flier and put it somewhere where you think it may be of interest : JulyPlatForum

For more info contact Steve Burgess on 0428 843 749.