The next farm walk will be at Dave Ross’s property at 127 Diamondfield Rd Amamoor, 2pm on Sunday 25th October 2015. A special event as part of Mary River Month.

A restored tributary of Diamonfield Creek
This month’s farm walk is part of Mary River Month, where Dave Ross has kindly offered to show us the results of many years of persistent work in bringing back the ‘drainage features’ on his property to the condition of functioning watercourses. We will be able to see some good before and after examples and Dave will be on hand to share the benefits of his years of practical experience in working with water.
A healthy functioning watercourse is a great asset on any property in all respects, and Dave’s experience shows what can be done, even if the original natural stream has been almost destroyed. As farmers, we are the principal people responsible for handing on the landscape to future generations in better health than we received it, and surface water and streams (where they exist) are arguably the most important feature in the landscape.
As with all the co-op farm walks, the afternoon starts at 2 pm, and visitors are asked to bring along some food to share for afterwards, and a gold coin donation for the farmer giving up their time to have people on their property. The field day will be signposted from the Amamoor-Kandanga Rd. PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON THE ROADSIDE AND DON’T BRING DOGS. There is good parking provided inside the property, and the property is home to a variety of dog-sensitive wildlife. Please wear clothes and enclosed shoes suitable for exploring a natural creekside environment (including snakes) on a warm spring afternoon.
Please confirm your attendance by email to, or by contacting Elaine on 0459 225 399. (It helps us stay in touch if their are any last-minute changes of plan)

Diamondfield Creek is running around this at the moment but there are large lagoons in there that will eventually open up.