The May farm walk will be on the grounds of Bos Rural, 94 Main Street, Kandanga Sunday  31 May.  2pm-5pm

Simply taking a good look at your soil profile is an important first step.

Simply taking a good look at your soil profile is an important first step.

Mat Fea and Steve Burgess will talk about and demonstrate some of the ways that landholders can assess the soils on their property.  This includes looking at the landscape context and land/vegetation types, examining a soil profile, how to take soil  samples that are suitable for their intended purpose, interpreting soil tests and looking for indications in pasture, crop and weed plants that may tell something about soil conditions.

Both Mat and Steve have many of years professional training and experience in commercial Agronomy and Soil Science, and are happy to share what they are learning about applying this background to the somewhat different practice of small-scale mixed agriculture and horticulture.  The purpose of these farm walks is to share information and experience, so participants are encouraged to bring along examples of soil tests that they may have conducted on their own properties, and discuss how they have use this information.

Tim and Amber Scott of Bos Rural have kindly allowed the coop to use the demonstration farm facility that they are setting up for this farm walk, which has a couple of different soil  and land types and management histories on the one property. Tim and Amber will be on hand to share what they are learning about the property and what future management plans may include.

As with all the co-op farm walks, the afternoon starts at 2 pm, and visitors are asked to bring along some food to share for afterwards, and a gold coin donation for the farmer giving up their time to share their information.

A brief set of summary notes relating to this presentation is available from this link :SoilTestingPresentation

Please confirm your attendance by email to, or by contacting Elaine on 0459 225 399.   (It helps us stay in touch if their are any last-minute changes of plan)